 Just after one year from the publication of the first issue of DiWineTaste, the edition of October 2002 was out in September, we decided to do a new step forward in our editorial activity and the result is the releasing of a new web… [more] |
 Despite the fact Austrian wines are not widely known in the world, here they make excellent white and sweet wines; in Austria wine and its production represent a fundamental aspect of the country's culture… [more] |
 Indisputable stars in moments of celebration, sparkling wines always evoke a special magic which is freed from the glass by means of a continuous chain of transparent pearls and of their appealing aromas… [more] |
 Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi Passito Tordiruta 2000, Barolo Granbussia Riserva 1997, Barolo Colonnello 1999, Conte Bolani 1999, Cirò Rosso Classico Ronco dei Quattroventi 2000, Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi Classico Le Vele 2002… [more] |
 In one of the most picturesque areas of the Italian territory, Molise, twelve kilometers from Termoli is located Borgo di Colloredo winery. A union of history, traditions and wine… [more] |
 Red wine has always had a relevant place in the table, companion of the rich and robust food, it is rich of nice surprises and it can also become a good ally of fish… [more] |
 One of the most famous spirits of the world, exclusively produced by the fermentation of cereals, is a liquor rich in traditions and history… [more] |