Wine at the restaurant, or better to say, the way wine is being served and sold at the restaurant, is a frequent subject and most of the times troublesome. The fact it is a frequent subject, it is very likely in restaurants - talking in… [more] |
 Wines of a glorious past, wines which challenged the seas in order to please the palates of the world, fortified wines are an endless source of emotions increasing with time… [more] |
 Sagrantino di Montefalco Collepiano 2007, Sagrantino di Montefalco 25 Anni 2007, Offida Rosso Il Grifone 2004, Offida Pecorino Colle Vecchio 2008, Amarone della Valpolicella Classico Riserva Le Balze 2005… [more] |
 Review of Grappa, Distillates and Brandy, Grappa Cuore di Brunello… [more] |