Every wine lover knows the appreciation of the beverage of Bacchus goes beyond the simple act of drinking, he or she knows in a glass of wine there is more than a simple beverage. Wine is the result of many elements, a symphony of… [more] |
 Valpolicella, one of the most renowned areas in Veneto, besides Amarone and Recioto gives other interesting and elegant red wines… [more] |
 San Leonardo 2004, Amarone della Valpolicella Classico Vigneto Monte Sant'Urbano 2005, Villa Gresti 2005, Recioto della Valpolicella Classico La Roggia 2005, Soave Motto Piane 2008, Recioto di Soave Motto Piane 2007… [more] |
 Review of Grappa, Distillates and Brandy, Brandy, Grappa di Albana Passito Dalbana Passito… [more] |