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   Share this article     Summary of Editorial column Wine Tasting 
  Editorial Issue 77, September 2009   
Your Tasting Notes Reviewed in DiWineTasteYour Tasting Notes Reviewed in DiWineTaste  Contents 
Issue 76, Summer 2009 Follow DiWineTaste on Follow DiWineTaste on TwitterIssue 78, October 2009

Your Tasting Notes Reviewed in DiWineTaste

 Every wine lover knows the appreciation of the beverage of Bacchus goes beyond the simple act of “drinking”, he or she knows in a glass of wine there is more than a simple beverage. Wine is the result of many elements, a symphony of emotions expressed by means of aromas, flavors and sensations, something therefore requiring attention and awareness, something which is not drunk for the fun of it. The same is certainly true for distillates as well. For this reason, in order to remember the sensations felt in front of a glass, to compare them with new sensations and emotions - last but not the least - to becoming a better taster and a conscious consumer, it is very useful to take notes of the impressions, not only from a sensorial point of view, but also critically. This exercise is also useful in case one is about to taste the same wine or distillate, but of a different vintage, in order to evaluate the development, constancy and reliability over time of a certain producer.


 DiWineTaste offers its readers two guides in which are published the results expressed by our tasting committee about wines and distillates: Wine Guide and Aquavitae. Tools which gained the interest and appreciation of our readers, as to count - today - an average of 3.500 daily accesses. We are aware our opinion cannot - and must not be - an absolute reference, it simply is an indication, just the expression of what we think about a wine or a distillate. For this reason we thought about asking the participation of our readers, offering them a place where to publish their impressions and opinions - sensorial, critical and of merit - of the wines and distillates found in our Guides. This is why we decided to let our readers add their tasting notes in our Guides, offering them a way to express their opinion and judgment about wines and distillates.

 Moreover, we thought about offering our readers a tool in which organizing and keeping tasting notes, in order to have an easy way to organize and keep track of their tasting activity. This new service is integrated to the functions of EnoForum, therefore reserved to all of our registered readers. On this regard, we remind registration to EnoForum is free and it takes few minutes to fill the registration form. Entering and publishing your tasting notes is very simple. In every review of the Guides you will find a new link “Write your review”, which will show a form where you can enter your impression and your judgment - expressed by means of DiWineTaste evaluation method in diamonds and stars - as well as price, tasting place and vintage. In few minutes your review will be published and all DiWineTaste readers will know your opinion and your judgment about a specific wine or distillate.

 The organization and review of your tasting notes is implemented by new functions in EnoForum. By using the new function “My Tasting Notes” it will be displayed the list of your reviews and from which it is possible to select and update them. We also thought about “rewarding” the most active readers in their activity of taster: in a specific table will be displayed the ranking of the readers who have published the highest number of reviews. In case two or more readers have expressed their opinion about a specific wine or distillate, it will be shown - in the relative page - the average score, expressed in diamonds and stars, result of all the judgments expressed by our readers. This score is shown besides the one expressed by our tasting committee, which however remains a reference on its own. In this way producers will know what consumers really think about their products: another way to communicate with wineries and to express your satisfaction or disappointment.

 Once again, DiWineTaste wants to join its voice with yours, as we are aware of the fact every opinion is respectable and worth to be expressed, even in case it is different from ours or from the one of others. We are also convinced the most important opinion is the one of consumers who, definitely, are the ones making the real market and really make a product big with their appreciation by means of purchase. We therefore believe it is right, honest and fair allowing the ones who trust producers by purchasing their products to express their opinion about a certain product. This is also a way to improve the quality of a wine and the ones who make it: we are convinced producers will benefit from your comments and opinions. Moreover, this is also good for all the community of DiWineTaste readers, as it is always useful to compare your opinion with the one of others, a way of growing up together.

 Last but not the least, a tool for organizing your tasting notes and to keep track of them over time, a tool to keep track of your activity of taster and reviewer of wines and distillates. Your reviews will also be displayed in DiWineTaste's home page: in this way our readers will always know and read about the last ten published reviews. With this new tool, our magazine wants to offer our readers a new way to express their opinion and which is added to all the other ones, such as EnoForum and polls. We invite all of our readers who are already registered users to access EnoForum and to update their profile - there have in fact been added new information - as well as inviting our readers who are not registered users yet to fill in the relative form. DiWineTaste Wine Guide and Aquavitae are now your Guides. Express your opinion!


   Share this article     Summary of Editorial column Wine Tasting 
  Editorial Issue 77, September 2009   
Your Tasting Notes Reviewed in DiWineTasteYour Tasting Notes Reviewed in DiWineTaste  Contents 
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