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  Events Issue 50, March 2007   
DiWineTaste and Vigne del LazioDiWineTaste and Vigne del Lazio NewsNews  Contents 
Issue 49, February 2007 Follow DiWineTaste on Follow DiWineTaste on TwitterIssue 51, April 2007

DiWineTaste and Vigne del Lazio

Last December DiWineTaste and Vigne del Lazio have set an agreement about the review of the wines of its members and the publication in the Guide

 In the last years the wine making production of Latium is catching the attention of wine lovers by a new form of promotion, by highlighting - first of all - the aspect of quality. The many wineries of the region are in fact proving the great potentials of Latium in wine making, an effort which is also making use of an important communication campaign in order to give a better visibility to these wines. Last December, in occasion of a meeting in Perugia, Antonello Biancalana - editor of DiWineTaste - and Dr. Antonio Santarelli - president of the Vigne del Lazio association - have set a collaboration agreement about the review of wines produced by their member wineries. The review and the publication in the DiWineTaste's Wine Guide will be protracted for the next issues, by choosing every month a selection of wine of three or four producers.


 The collaboration will begin with the review of the red wines currently available, to which will be added - as soon as they will be available - the new vintages of white wines. In the course of the following months, DiWineTaste's Wine Guide will get enriched of the wines produced by the member wineries of Vigne del Lazio. The association currently include 29 members wineries and precisely: Cantine Palombo, Caprigliano, Carpineti Marco, Casale del Giglio, Casale della Ioria, Casale Mattia, Castel De Paolis, Cavalieri, Colacicchi, Colle Di Maggio, Colletonno, Conte Zandotti, D'Amico Paolo e Noemia, Falesco, Fontana Candida, Giangirolami Donato, I Pampini, Il Quadrifoglio, L'Olivella, Massimi Berucci, Sergio Mottura, Pietra Pinta, Principe Pallavicini, Proietti, Sant'Andrea, Tenuta Ronci di Nepi, Tenuta Santa Lucia, Tenuta Sant'Isidoro and Vini Giovanni Terenzi.

 The reviews of the wines produced by the member wineries of Vigne del Lazio will begin from this issue and will be protracted for the following months. The long series of reviews will begin with the wines of Caprigliano, Carpineti Marco, Casale del Giglio and Casale della Ioria wineries. A selection of the reviews Will be published in the “Wines of the Month” column, whereas in the Wine Guide - also available in mobile phones and mobile devices - will be published the evaluations and the reviews of all wines. The association Vigne del Lazio was founded in Rome in 1999 with the goal of spreading the knowledge and the improvement of Latium's quality wine image. The project of the association Vigne del Lazio is supported by the government of Latium region, by ARSIAL (Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e l'Innovazione dell'Agricoltura del Lazio) and by the Regional Federation of Farmers.


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  Events Issue 50, March 2007   
DiWineTaste and Vigne del LazioDiWineTaste and Vigne del Lazio NewsNews  Contents 
Issue 49, February 2007 Follow DiWineTaste on Follow DiWineTaste on TwitterIssue 51, April 2007


 In this section are published news and information about events concerning the world of wine and food. Whoever is interested in publishing this kind of information can send us a mail to our address.


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  Events Issue 50, March 2007   
DiWineTaste and Vigne del LazioDiWineTaste and Vigne del Lazio NewsNews  Contents 
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