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  Wine Producers Issue 13, November 2003   
Enzo BogliettiEnzo Boglietti Cellar JournalCellar Journal  Contents 
Issue 12, October 2003 Follow DiWineTaste on Follow DiWineTaste on TwitterIssue 14, December 2003

Enzo Boglietti

Determination, passion and firm ideas as well as a great and generous land capable of producing extraordinary grapes: these are the elements from which Enzo Boglietti's wines take their origin

 Talking about Langhe makes certainly think about Piedmont's great wines, a historical bond that characterized the region since ever. However the most frequent thought associated to Langhe is about a particular wine, a great wine, one of those wines which made the fame of Italian wines famous all over the world: Barolo. This extraordinary wine, produced with Nebbiolo grape, has a pretty recent history and its deserved notoriety was thanks to the intuition of a great wine maker, French Louis Oudart, who revolutionized the production of this wine and made it one of the greatest of the world, a position Barolo still keep nowadays. The history of Barolo, defined as “wine of kings, kings of wine”, began around the half of 1800's when Marquise of Barolo, Giulietta Falletti, asked wine maker Louis Oudart, called in the Langhe by Camillo Benso count of Cavour, to improve the wines produced in her winery. Louis Oudart realized the productive faults of those wines were in the fermentation process, which was not done completely, and transformed Barolo from a sweet wine to a great dry wine. His results convinced Cavour to call Oudart to his castle in Grinzane in order to make the “new wine” and even king Vittorio Emanuele II converted his estate near the residence of Fontanafredda, in Serralunga d'Alba, to the production of this wine.

Enzo and Gianni Boglietti brothers in
their vineyard. In the back the city of La Morra
Enzo and Gianni Boglietti brothers in their vineyard. In the back the city of La Morra

 The generous land of Langhe has a long and important tradition for great wines as well as great producers. Among the many places of Langa renowned for the production of wine there is the city of La Morra, with its 640 hectares of specialized vineyards (1,580 acres), of which about 400 (988 acres) cultivated with Nebbiolo grapes for the production of Barolo, is now a city renowned all over the world. Historical documents have proved the importance of La Morra as a land suited for the production of wine. It is believed that since Roman times vineyards were cultivated on the western side of the La Morra's hill towards Cherasco, on the land coasting Tanaro river. This hypothesis is also supported by many archaeological evidences dated back to Roman times and found in the valley of Rivalta, in the fields near the ancient walls of Pollenzo. However it will pass about one thousand years before the grapes of this land will be capable of producing the current and great wines of La Morra.

 In La Morra, one of the great homelands of Barolo, there is Enzo Boglietti's winery, ingenious and extroverted wine producer, with passion and strong convictions on how to make wine, in the short time of about ten years, he was successful in producing truly high quality wines which are renowned and looked for in many countries of the world. The production of wine in Enzo Boglietti's winery is pretty recent, it started in 1991 when he decided to make wine with his own grapes instead of selling them. In that year the total production was of about 10.000 bottles of which 2.600 of Barolo Vigna delle Brunate, 2.800 of Dolcetto, 3.200 of Langhe Nebbiolo and 1.200 of Barbera d'Alba Vigna dei Romani. Since then the success of Enzo Boglietti's wines has been striking and surprised wine lovers for their excellent characteristics. In 1993 starts the production of three new wines: Barolo Case Nere, Langhe Buio and Barbera d'Alba. In 1996 Gianni Boglietti, brother of Enzo, starts is stable collaboration with the winery and in that year were produced for the first time Barolo Fossati and Dolcetto d'Alba Tiglineri. In the same year wine maker Sergio Molino starts his stable collaboration with the winery.

Enzo and Gianni Boglietti in their
Enzo and Gianni Boglietti in their cellar

 Since the beginnings of the business the productive strategy has been oriented towards the valuation of the typical characteristics of the vine and of the single vineyards, as well as keeping a high and strict level of quality. Casks used for the aging of wines are always brand new and are used for the production of the main wines of the winery and are subsequently used, in the course of years and after subsequent usage, for the production of other wines. Enzo Boglietti's wines are produced with the grapes cultivated in winery's estates, with cultivations of very low environmental impact. The production does not make use of biotechnologies and for the stabilization is uniquely used potassium metabisulphite and fresh eggs albumen for clarifying wines. In the course of years new vineyards have been acquired, as well as renting others, among them also a 40 years old vineyard, acquired in 1999, located in La Morra, where the grapes for the production of Barbera Roscaleto are harvested. The winery currently has 8 hectares of vineyards (20 acres) and 10.5 hectares rented (26 acres). The production is increased and in 2003 have been produced about 70.000 bottles.

 Enzo Bogglietti's wines, once they are tasted, leave a mark and they are unforgettable for their interpretation and quality. Not only Barolo wines are impressive, but also the other wines, such as the superb Barbera d'Alba Vigna dei Romani or the excellent Dolcetto d'Alba Tiglineri. Excellent are also the wines considered as base products of the winery, such as Langhe Nebbiolo and Barbera d'Alba; correct and well made wines. These two “base” wines, despite the fact they are considered as products of lesser prestige, both aged in cask, convince for their excellent production, clean aromas and good structure. Extremely interesting is also Langhe Buio, produced with Nebbiolo and Barbera grapes, very convincing and well made, where the characteristics of the grapes used for their production are clearly recognizable. Also excellent the interpretation of Dolcetto d'Alba Tiglineri: this wine, aged in cask, has a firm structure where typical aromas of the grapes are clearly perceivable as well as a pleasing spicy hint.


 Excellent are also the two Barbera “Roscaleto” and “Vigna dei Romani”. Barbera d'Alba Roscaleto is appreciable for its refined aromas and its balance, certainly a good wine. Barbera d'Alba Vigna dei Romani, one of the historical products of the winery, impresses for its strength, the excellent quality as well as for its elegance and finesse of aromas: a great Barbera. Enzo Boglietti's wines also include three great Barolo, very elegant, refined and of high quality: Barolo Case Nere, Barolo Fossati and Barolo Brunate. All the three wines are aged in barrique, 24 months for Case Nere and Fossati, 15 months for Brunate which continues its aging in cask for 15 months more. These wines have extraordinary characteristics, impressive structures and very clean, elegant and refined aromas: certainly three unforgettable wines that leave a mark for their charm. In the list of wines reviewed in this report are not included Dolcetto d'Alba Tiglineri, Barbera d'Alba Vigna dei Romani and Barolo Brunate because they have been reviewed on DiWineTaste few months ago and they are all available in the wines guide. Enzo Boglietti's winery is available for the tasting of his wines and reservations can be ordered by phoning the winery or by sending an E-Mail.


Score legend

Fair    Pretty Good    Good
Very Good    Excellent
Wine that excels in its category Wine that excels in its category
Prices are to be considered as indicative. Prices may vary according to the country
or the shop where wines are bought

Langhe Nebbiolo 2001, Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Langhe Nebbiolo 2001
Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Grapes: Nebbiolo
Price: € 10,50 Score:
This Nebbiolo shows a brilliant ruby red color and nuances of ruby red, moderate transparency. The nose reveals intense, clean and pleasing aromas of black berry, blueberry, plum and violet followed by a pleasing hint of vanilla. In the mouth has good correspondence to the nose, a slightly tannic attack however balanced by alcohol, good body and intense flavors. The finish is persistent with pleasing flavors of black cherry and blueberry. This wine ages for 10 months in cask.
Food Match: Braised and stewed meat, Roasted meat, Hard cheese

Barbera d'Alba 2002, Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Barbera d'Alba 2002
Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Grapes: Barbera
Price: € 8,50 Score: Wine that excels in its category
The wine shows an intense ruby red color and nuances of ruby red, moderate transparency. The nose reveals intense, pleasing, clean and elegant aromas of fruits such as black cherry, blueberry and plum followed by good aromas of violet, licorice and vanilla. In the mouth has good correspondence to the nose, very balanced, a pleasing roundness and very agreeable, good tannins, good body and intense flavors. The finish is persistent with good flavors of black cherry, plum and blueberry. This Barbera ages for 8 months in casks and in steel tanks.
Food Match: Sauteed meat with mushrooms, Roasted meat, Stewed meat

Langhe Rosso Buio 2001, Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Langhe Rosso Buio 2001
Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Grapes: Nebbiolo (80%), Barbera (20%)
Price: € 21,00 Score:
The wine shows a brilliant ruby red color and nuances of garnet red, moderate transparency. The nose reveals intense, clean, pleasing, elegant and refined aromas with good personality that start with an aroma of lemon verbena followed by good aromas of black cherry, strawberry jam, raspberry, plum and violet as well as hints of licorice and vanilla. In the mouth has good correspondence to the nose, an alcoholic attack which slightly tend to prevail, however balanced by good tannins, good body and intense flavors. The finish is persistent with good flavors of plum, raspberry and black cherry. Buio ages for 16 months in barrique and for 4 months in bottle.
Food Match: Roasted meat, Braised and stewed meat, Hard cheese

Barbera d'Alba Roscaleto 2001, Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Barbera d'Alba Roscaleto 2001
Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Grapes: Barbera
Price: € 17,00 Score:
This Barbera shows a beautiful and brilliant ruby red color and nuances of ruby red, moderate transparency. The nose denotes intense, clean, pleasing and elegant aromas that start with pleasing aromas of black cherry, raspberry, blueberry, plum and violet followed by good aromas of licorice and vanilla as well as hints of hazelnut and peach jam. In the mouth has good correspondence to the nose, a slightly alcoholic and crisp attack however well balanced by tannins, good body and intense flavors. The finish is persistent with pleasing flavors of plum, black cherry and blueberry. A well made wine. This Barbera ages for 16 months in barrique followed by 4 months in bottle.
Food Match: Game, Roasted meat, Stewed and braised meat, Hard cheese

Barolo Case Nere 1999, Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Barolo Case Nere 1999
Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Grapes: Nebbiolo
Price: € 41,00 Score:
This Barolo shows a brilliant ruby red color and nuances of garnet red, moderate transparency. The nose reveals good personality with intense, clean, pleasing, elegant and refined aromas which start with violet followed by intense aromas of black cherry jam, raspberry jam, plum jam as well as aromas of toffee, licorice, dried rose, enamel and vanilla. In the mouth has good correspondence to the nose, a slightly alcoholic attack which tend to prevail, however well balanced by good tannins, good body and intense flavors. The finish is persistent with pleasing flavors of plum jam, black cherry jam and raspberry jam. A well made wine. This Barolo ages for 24 months in barrique followed by 14 months in bottle.
Food Match: Braised and stewed meat, Game, Roasted meat, Hard cheese

Barolo Fossati 1999 , Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Barolo Fossati 1999
Enzo Boglietti (Italy)
Grapes: Nebbiolo
Price: € 41,00 Score: Wine that excels in its category
This Barolo shows a brilliant ruby red color and nuances of garnet red, moderate transparency. The nose reveals good personality and clean, intense, elegant, refined and pleasing aromas which start with pleasing aromas of black cherry jam, plum jam and vanilla followed by good aromas of raspberry, blueberry, violet and dried rose as well as hints of toffee, tar, leather and licorice. In the mouth has good correspondence to the nose, a firm and slightly alcoholic attack however well balanced by good tannins, full body and intense flavors. The finish is very persistent with long and clean flavors of plum jam, black cherry jam and raspberry. A well made Barolo. This wine ages for 24 months in barrique followed by 14 months of aging in bottle.
Food Match: Game, Braised and stewed meat, Roasted meat, Hard cheese

Azienda Agricola Enzo Boglietti - Via Roma, 37 - 12064 La Morra, Cuneo - Italy Tel. e Fax +39 0173 50330 - Winemaker: Sergio Molino - Established: 1991 - Production: 70.000 bottles - E-Mail:

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  Wine Producers Issue 13, November 2003   
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  Wine Producers Issue 13, November 2003   
Enzo BogliettiEnzo Boglietti Cellar JournalCellar Journal  Contents 
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